Platio Smart Banking Ecosystem: The Best Way to Unified All Your Assets

Mc Givellon Nocon
4 min readOct 18, 2018



As I was watching videos on youtube, the video suddenly stop and show advertisement. I really hate this advertisement on youtube, it’s really annoying. However, as I watched this advertisement it caught my attention and didn’t skip the advertisement and continue watching it. I’m not satisfied with the info shown in the advertisement then I dig dip to find this project and looking for a more detailed explanation.

There are so many blockchain technologies being developed day by day for different use-cases. And many existing companies switching to blockchain technology to cope up with the new trend and not to lose on they’re rival companies. Everyone is rooting for blockchain technology to rule the world
because they see the future on it. Some of the people are transferring their traditional currency to digital currencies to secure their funds. However, their funds are still separated on different aspects. What they need is a bank that will help them to unify all of their assets.



Platio is a smart banking ecosystem that is for either personal or businesses who needs to switch between crypto and traditional currencies and vice versa. You can also transfer your crypto and traditional currency assets using Peer to Peer or P2P. Platio believes that all financial assets will be tokenized and will run on blockchain that’s why they are building this banking ecosystem to make it more secure and easier to transfer and switch financial assets.



Without platio, all of your financial assets are separated and if you want to switch your assets to crypto or traditional currencies you will face high withdrawal and transaction fees. However, with Platio you can easily access your three assets which are crypto, fiat, and stocks with lower fees.

There’s always a risk of losing private keys that will lead to losing all of your assets. However, with the help of Platio you can recover all of your crypto assets by using its feature called “Standby Transfer”. It will automatically transfer your assets to a selected crypto wallet or fiat if your account is inactive in a specified period of time.

We all know that crypto is very volatile and many people losing too much on suddenly price change. However, with the help of Platio you can make conditions to cut your losses automatically using “auto exchange” feature that will automatically transfer between asset types if your conditions have been met.



As you see on the image above, Platio’s product is not only a web-based application but also a mobile application available on iOS and Android devices to easily access or transfer their assets. This Platio App will cater all of the features for a much better banking ecosystem. I like the idea on this app that will unify all of your assets especially in including stocks. I’ve never seen this kind of project that focuses on three different type of assets.



Even though Platio is a newcomer to this type of technology, they are not left behind by their competitors thus Platio are far ahead of them. Using the unique features of Platio like Asset Guard and Smart Escrow they look like they have the advantages among their competitors which lack of this.

Asset Guard is Platio’s feature that will help to protect all type of their users’ assets stored in the Platio ecosystem. Among all of the competitors, only Platio have this unique features to protect their users’ assets against losses. While Smart Escrow is another one unique feature of Platio, in order to transact between to parties you need to trust the other party to make this transaction successful. However, using Smart Escrow you can easily transact without the fear of getting scam using Platio as the mediator to all of this transactions.


We know that they have many competitors in this kind of project and they are aware of it so they think of new ideas that will help them to surpass their competitors. And based on the experience of the team, I’m pretty sure they can pull off this project successfully. Almost all of their team have 10+ years of experience in their position. I believe in this project because they give new ideas to the cryptocurrency world. And this is what I like in new projects, that they can give new ideas to the table not a copycat on another project.

If you want to know more about Platio, just follow the link given below:




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ETH Wallet: 0xd0310e2B96122D836E0cCCF0D51358c92736D733

